12 December 2012




4-6 beetroots
2 carrots
1/4 celery root
1/2 leek
1 onion
1 parsley
100 g dried mushrooms
2 bay leaves
10 grains of black pepper
3 tbsp lemon juice
salt, pepper


rinse mushrooms, put into a saucepan, cover with cold water and leave for a few hours.
cook them  until tender (20 min) in the same water, adding bay leaves.
put the beetroot into a saucepan and cover with water. bring it to boil and simmer for about one hour. meanwhile put the cut vegetables (including one beet) and spices into a large saucepan and also cook them for about one hour. discard the vegetables and add the mushroom broth leaving some mushrooms in the soup (the rest can be used for pierogi - another great typical polish dish).
peel the beets and grate them. add to the hot broth and add lemon juice. don`t bring to boil.

06 December 2012



2 ripe avocados
1/2 small red onion
juice of 1/2 lime
1 small tomato
1 garlic clove
salt, pepper to taste


peel and mash avocado with a fork. add lime juice, finely chopped onion, minced garlic, salt and pepper. mix it with a blender. stir it well and chill for half an hour. chop the tomato and add to the rest before serving. 

02 December 2012


(indian flatbread)


2 cups whole wheat flour
2 tbsp olive oil
3/4-1 cup water
pinch of salt


in a large bowl combine flour and salt. add the olive oil and gradually water. mix together until elastic but not sticky. knead the dough on a floured surface until it is smooth (add more flour if needed). let rest for a few minuter.
heat a skillet over medium heat until hot.
divide into small balls (size of apricot). roll out the balls of dough with a rolling pin until very thin (5 mm or thinner). fry on a hot and dry skillet for 2 minutes each side.
serve warm.